
Génesis #16 – ¿Es Dios tolerante o intolerante con nuestro pecado sexual?

En este sermón de Génesis 18-19, el pastor Mark muestra que la misma depravación que comenzó en Sodoma y Gomorra ha prevalecido a lo largo de la historia del mundo y continúa en la cultura actual. Concluye que Jesús será el Juez final y que es de vital importancia que las personas se alineen con los valores de Jesús en lugar de los del mundo para salvarse del juicio final que los espera.

Is God Your Lord?

“…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD and you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9 The fifth and final test we are going to look at this week is the courage test. We read in Judges 14:6,9 and 15:14 that … Read more

Génesis #7- ¿Castiga Dios a las personas por su pecado?

Este sermón de Génesis 7-8 abarca una de las partes más conocidas del libro, cuando la familia de Noé entra en el arca y tiene lugar el Diluvio. En este sermón, el pastor Mark predica sobre cómo Dios salvó a la familia de Noé y cómo la primera acción de Noé al salir del arca fue construir un altar para adorar a Dios. También cubre las diferentes opiniones sobre el caso de un diluvio global versus uno local, mostrando una vez más que hay muchas cuestiones abiertas en el libro de Génesis que los cristianos pueden debatir, pero, en definitiva, no deben causar división.

Génesis #4- ¿Por qué está el mundo tan quebrantado?

Después de que Dios llamara a todo “bueno” y “muy bueno” en Génesis 1-2, Adán y Eva toman decisiones en Génesis 3:1-24 que cambiarán para siempre el curso de la humanidad. En este sermón, el pastor Mark nos enseña cómo el infierno vino literalmente a la tierra en forma de serpiente y, debido a las elecciones de Adán y Eva, la creación está ahora maldita. Pero, la buena noticia es que Jesús es el matadragones que gobierna y reina sobre todas las criaturas y la creación antes, ahora y para siempre.

Samson’s Tragic End

“… but he did not know that the LORD had left him.” – Judges 16:20 As we conclude this week’s devotional series on Samson’s life, let’s imagine a Lone Ranger type of political leader for whom no one could work for very long and who had a volatile temper, could not stop picking fights, and … Read more

The Power of Sight

“Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” – Judges 17:6 If you look back on your life, odds are you will see some themes and patterns that repeat. The key to being a growing and maturing person is to be mindful of and repeat the good themes and patterns and turn away from … Read more

How Jesus’ Resurrection Changed the World

This is an excerpt from Pastor Mark’s book “Alive: 21 Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ ” as we countdown to Easter.  To get your physical copy, CLICK HERE to give a gift of any amount in the month of March to RealFaith to help us get more Bible teaching out. For … Read more

Jesus’ Resurrection Is Unique in History

This is an excerpt from Pastor Mark’s book “Alive: 21 Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ ” as we countdown to Easter.  To get your physical copy, CLICK HERE to give a gift of any amount in the month of March to RealFaith to help us get more Bible teaching out. For … Read more

Why You Should Believe in the Resurrection

This is an excerpt from Pastor Mark’s book “Alive: 21 Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ ” as we countdown to Easter.  To get your physical copy, CLICK HERE to give a gift of any amount in the month of March to RealFaith to help us get more Bible teaching out. For … Read more

The Cross of Jesus Christ 

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” – Romans 3:23 Yesterday, we discussed the fact that Christ died. Today we will discuss how he died – through crucifixion. The Bible gives us only a few details about crucifixion. The reason for this could be because, in the ancient world, it … Read more

Why We Need to Cry Out to the Lord

The Purge is a series of horror movies based on the premise that, for one 12-hour period each year, there are no laws, people are free to commit any crime, and there are no emergency services (e.g., police, fire fighters, and medical care). During this time, people go into hiding to survive, and the evilest … Read more