Spirit-filled Manhood

Ruth #2 – Safe People

At the Trinity Church, Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches from the book of Ruth, this week is entitled, “Safe People” Ruth 2:1-13

Boys to Men

So many men today are really just overgrown boys. They’ve never taken responsibility for themselves or their families, and are missing the true essence of what it means to be a man. Watch as Pastor Mark Driscoll shows you what it really means to move from boyhood to manhood – and from manhood to godly maturity – in his message, Boys to Men.

1 John #8 – Good News for Beat Up Christians

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy.

1 John #7 – Three Ways to Treat People

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy.

1 John #4 – A Family Meeting with Grandpa

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy.

Jesus Sweats Blood

Jesus is in absolute agony, sweating blood, as he prays honestly with the Father. What is the cup he is so grieved about? It is the cup of the wrath of God. Every sin is like a drop into a cup. We pour the sin in. God, at the end of this life, pours out commensurate wrath. Yet Jesus submits his will to the Father’s; he exchanges places with us on the cross and drinks every single drop of the wrath of God. The cross is where the love of God is most clearly seen: wrath was poured out on Jesus, and love was poured out for us.

Jesus and Repentance

People who are opposed to Jesus throw water on others’ passion for him. Regular practice of the spiritual disciplines (community, Scripture, prayer, worship, giving, serving, obedience, evangelism) kindles Spirit-fired passion. Be more concerned about your eternity than about the weather and the news. Are you going to heaven or hell? Jesus tells us to repent or perish. We all will die and stand before God to give an account for our life. Get ready for that day in court; do not delay. True repentance is confession, contrition, and change; it takes the whole person.

Jesus Rejoices in the Holy Spirit

The bad news is we have an enemy who’s at war against us. The good news is Jesus is in authority over him and he delegates his authority to us. Even better than that, if we are Christians, our names are written in heaven. So, Jesus tells us to rejoice because he wins, rejoice because we know God, and rejoice because the kingdom is coming. Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit, not his circumstances. Pastor Mark also offers ten practical life applications for rejoicing in the Holy Spirit.

Asking For The Holy Spirit

Jesus teaches some parables and principles for prayer. First, our God is good, loving, gracious, and kind, so we should come to him, day or night, 24/7, and ask, seek, and knock. Second, God is a good Father and if we ask him for a good thing, we won’t get a bad thing. A good Father gives good gifts and the greatest gift is the Holy Spirit. Ask, continually, for the Holy Spirit and his help.

Under Authority Like Christ

Some of the most hotly debated issues of today are about issues of gender and authority. The three positions on gender roles are egalitarian feminism, hierarchical chauvinism, and complementarian chivalry.

Power From Jesus

Paul’s sadness is revealed as his people had little regard for his teaching and little respect for his authority. Like most problems, the root of all the trouble in Corinth was simply arrogant pride.