Spiritual Disciplines

Spirit Filled Jesus: Week 6

Are you suffering? A loved one suffering? Learn the secret to Jesus’ suffering so that your woeful days can be used by God in wonderful ways.

Spirit Filled Jesus: Week 5

Why are some of your relationships so life-giving and others so life-taking? In this Sunday’s sermon, “Facing Foolish and Evil People with the Spirit’s Wisdom”, you will learn how to have a healthy relationship with Jesus and other people.

Spirit Filled Jesus: Week 3

Are you sick of falling into bad habits? In this Sunday’s sermon, “Five Weapons to Defeat the Demonic”, you will learn how you can overcome the temptation to do foolish and evil things and live in freedom like Jesus.

John #34 – Push Through the Pain: John 16:1-33

Have you faced seemingly insurmountable odds and were doomed to defeat? Jesus understands. Hours before His death on the cross, it seemed like the world was winning and God was losing. Jesus reminds us that in the end, Team Jesus wins! Until the final victory for Team Jesus, we are reminded that all the pain in life is like a momma who brings new life into the world through the courage to push through the pain.

What do Christians believe about water baptism?  

Baptism and Communion are visible presentations of the gospel performed regularly by the church. Churches in every age and culture perform these special ceremonies to celebrate the transforming reality of the gospel. Christians call them sacraments because they are visible symbols of invisible spiritual realities. We believe in the real presence of Jesus in these … Read more

Should we start a Mens Group?

If your church does not have a strong men’s ministry, what should you do? The majority of people who listen to my sermons are young men and they are also the least likely to attend church.

Watch as I share how the church should be the answer to this cultural crisis and about the importance of spiritual fathers and brothers.

And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today!

Faith and Worship Cure Spiritual Blindness

As a new Christian, I was quickly drawn to the biographies of faithful Christians in order to learn from their life examples. One of my first and now perennial favorites was an old British preacher named Charles Haddon Spurgeon. I have read a stack of biographies on him, visited his school, home, and grave, own a hand edited copy of one of his sermons hanging in my office, and even have a rare multi-volume set of out-of-print books that comprise the biography he was writing when he died that was then finished by his dear wife, which were gifted to me by my wife Grace.

One thing that has always struck me was that Spurgeon was called a “soul winner”. And, if I’m honest, the term has never quite sat right with me. We must remember that while Jesus is a soul winner, but he’s not solely a soul winner. Jesus saves and redeems every part of a person. Jesus renews our minds, rises our body from death, and redeems our soul. Every part of us was made by Jesus, belongs to Jesus, and is delivered from the pains and problems of sin by Jesus.

This precise fact is on display in John 9. There, a man who is both physically and spiritually blind is given both physical and spiritual healing and sight by Jesus. After being healed in body, he is then healed in soul as recorded in John 9:35-39, “Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and having found him he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” He answered, “And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?” Jesus said to him, “You have seen him, and it is he who is speaking to you.” He said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.”

In this beautiful scene, we see the power of faith and worship. In faith, the man confessed Jesus as “Lord” and said, “I believe”. We read that then “he worshipped him.” This little word for worship was used in the ancient world to refer to the act of a citizen coming before their king, kneeling down, and kissing the feet of their proud king.

As our humble King of Kings, it is only right that we worship Him in humility, surrender, and honor. Sometimes, the best way to reflect this condition of the soul is to demonstrate it with our body by raising our hands in surrender and kneeling as we sing.

How have you seen your faith grow as you worship regularly, or diminish when your worship is infrequent?