Spiritual Disciplines

What do you do when you’re struggling to pray with your family?

We all go through seasons when it’s hard to pray with our spouse or kids. Maybe you’re stressed, or hurt, or just really busy.

But the times when you’re stuck and don’t want to pray are actually the times when you need to pray the most!

So watch above as Grace and I share some simple steps you can take to get back to praying with your loved ones – and discover why it’s so important that you do!

How to Maintain Your Relationship Through the Pressures of Life?

Marriage – like any relationship – can be challenging, even if you’re married to your best friend. (Best friends can be annoying sometimes!)

And when you’ve got bills to pay and the kids need your time and a thousand other things compete for your attention, how do you keep your marriage strong?

Join Grace and me for a special video and get tips on how to grow your marriage – including how to respond when your spouse annoys you!

Got more questions for me? Send them to [email protected] today!

Colossians #8 – Enjoying Your Relationships

Every day, we take off our pajamas and put on our clothes for the day. Using this analogy, the Bible also tells us that we need to not only prepare ourselves physically but also spiritually each day, by putting on the character of Christ. Because, as we go out into the culture we are to bring the Kingdom of God. The Christian life is to be lived Kingdom down not culture up. This theme dominates the entire second half of Paul’s letter to the Colossians as we learn to live from our Kingdom identity, experience maturity, and worship wholeheartedly. The exploring of these massive themes in great detail in this soul-satisfying, mind informing, and destiny-altering section of God’s Word help us to enjoy our relationships starting with God.

Colossians #6 – 3 Counterfeits To Christianity

There are 3 counterfeits to Christianity that Paul not so tenderly blows up: lawmaking legalism, hippie mysticism, and minimalist asceticism. Too often, religious error takes itself too seriously, and God not seriously enough. So, in this sermon there is a bit of comedy intended to offend and edify everyone before pointing them to Jesus Christ as better than our silly pursuits at filling the gap between us and God with morality, spirituality, or suffering.

Colossians #5 – Jesus Our Warrior King

In the tradition of epic ancient battles as depicted in movies like 300 along with The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series, this section of Colossians reveals Jesus as a Warrior King who defeated Satan and Demons in a bloody battle. Through His victory, we have been set free from slavery to an awful king and kingdom of death, darkness, and despair. Furthermore, we have been welcomed by the wonderful King and Kingdom of life, light, and love. By remembering and celebrating the victory of Jesus Christ, we are guarded from being caught up in the latest faddish spiritual trends which, over time, prove to be untrue, unhelpful, and ungodly.

Colossians #4 – 4 Musts For Christian Maturity

No matter how hard we work to prevent it, avoid it, and deny it, we all suffer. Why do we suffer? How should we see our suffering? How can we use our suffering? As he sits in a jail cell, the Apostle Paul talks about how suffering can teach us about Jesus, make us more like Jesus, and give us a ministry that blesses others. This text of Scripture reveals an incredibly rich countercultural way of making the best of your worst times.

Colossians #2 – Praying Under Pressure

What have been some of the toughest seasons of your entire life? How did you respond? What did your prayer life look like? If you really want to get to know someone (including yourself), listen to their prayers under pressure. Who we really are, how we really feel, and what we really believe are revealed most clearly when we pray. To open his letter to a young church, Paul prays. Although he is in a jail cell far away and unable to visit the church, he can pray for them and write to them. This selfless act shows the heart of someone who is content even in crisis. Despite hardship, Paul is not jealous or covetous of other Christians who are living an easier life. No, he rejoices with them, prays for them, and encourages them with 3 evidences of real Christianity, 4 encouragements of real Christianity, and 7 exciting gifts that God has for us! This packed prayer is like a bucket of fresh, cold, life-giving water drawn from a deep well poured out to nourish God’s people.

Boys to Men

So many men today are really just overgrown boys. They’ve never taken responsibility for themselves or their families, and are missing the true essence of what it means to be a man. Watch as Pastor Mark Driscoll shows you what it really means to move from boyhood to manhood – and from manhood to godly maturity – in his message, Boys to Men.

Worship is War

At the Trinity Church, Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches a sermon entitled, “Worship is War” Revelation 4:1-11

1 John #4 – A Family Meeting with Grandpa

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy.

Jesus Sweats Blood

Jesus is in absolute agony, sweating blood, as he prays honestly with the Father. What is the cup he is so grieved about? It is the cup of the wrath of God. Every sin is like a drop into a cup. We pour the sin in. God, at the end of this life, pours out commensurate wrath. Yet Jesus submits his will to the Father’s; he exchanges places with us on the cross and drinks every single drop of the wrath of God. The cross is where the love of God is most clearly seen: wrath was poured out on Jesus, and love was poured out for us.

The Parable of the Persistent Widow

In the parable of the persistent widow, Jesus exhorts us to persist in prayer, because he is a judge who is completely unlike the unjust judge in the story. Prayer is simply talking to God our Father. Persist in talking to God until this life comes to an end, when we will all stand before the Judge and there will be justice. This life is like a marathon and to be a Christian is to run through to the end. Persistence plus patience equals perseverance.