Spiritual Disciplines

How can you create healthy family rhythms?

Today’s devo is an excerpt from Grace Driscoll and Ashley Chase’s new book Flourish: A Ten Day Devotional for Moms. To get a free PDF copy, click HERE and to get a physical copy for your gift of any amount during the month of May, click HERE. “…While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and … Read more

How can you fight isolation as a mom?

Today’s devo is an excerpt from Grace Driscoll and Ashley Chase’s new book Flourish: A Ten Day Devotional for Moms. To get a free PDF copy, click HERE and to get a physical copy for your gift of any amount during the month of May, click HERE. Only be on your guard and diligently watch yourselves, … Read more

How can you make time to spend with God? 

Today’s devo is an excerpt from Grace Driscoll and Ashley Chase’s new book Flourish: A Ten Day Devotional for Moms. To get a free PDF copy, click HERE and to get a physical copy for your gift of any amount during the month of May, click HERE. May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you … Read more

¡Adora al Rey! #3 ¿Cómo adoramos en el hogar?

En este sermón, el pastor Mark nos enseña cómo podemos adorar en casa, basándonos en el ejemplo de los primeros cristianos judíos y gentiles, vemos que las generaciones pueden ser afectadas, impactadas y cambiadas cuando adoramos en casa y en la iglesia.

¡Adora al Rey! #2 ¿Cómo adoramos en la iglesia?

En este práctico sermón sobre la adoración en la iglesia, el Pastor Mark nos enseña cómo la adoración en el cielo desciende a la iglesia, vemos que hay muchas maneras apropiadas de adorar en la iglesia de la manera en que Dios nos manda a hacerlo.

Kingdom Down #3 – Find Jesus In Your Fiery Furnace

When faced with a decision whether to worship the true God or a counterfeit god, Daniel’s friends stood firm in worship of the true God. Even when it looked like the counterfeit god would win, the real God showed up in the middle of their trial and protected them. God can do the same for those today who put their trust and faith in Him despite the most desperate of circumstances.