
Feeling Burdened, Being Blessed

There’s only so much you can put in a load before it becomes too heavy to carry. Life is like that. We can choose to carry our burdens and the burdens of others, but Jesus reminds us that if we take them to him, he’ll carry it for us.

Jesus’ Ownership, Your Stewardship

The ungodly rich have abandoned Jesus’ instructions, and now James has some strong words for them. This sermon examines how individuals become the type of people James rebukes and what happens to their understanding of stewardship and their view of God.

Jesus’ Ownership, Your Stewardship

The ungodly rich have abandoned Jesus’ instructions, and now James has some strong words for them. This sermon examines how individuals become the type of people James rebukes and what happens to their understanding of stewardship and their view of God.

Jesus’ Life, Your Life

What are you looking forward to, hoping for, dreaming about? Visions lead to plans. These can be God-willed; sometimes, however, they leave out God completely (“Godless”) or are so vague it’s hard to tell whether they involve God at all (“God-light”). James warns us that life is too uncertain, brief, and important to abandon our priorities.

Jesus’ Life, Your Life

What are you looking forward to, hoping for, dreaming about? Visions lead to plans. These can be God-willed; sometimes, however, they leave out God completely (“Godless”) or are so vague it’s hard to tell whether they involve God at all (“God-light”). James warns us that life is too uncertain, brief, and important to abandon our priorities.

Know the Word, Do the Word

Christianity is the Christian following in the footsteps of Christ: knowing the word of God and doing it. It’s not that knowing the word is bad and doing the word of God is good; rather, knowing the word without doing the word is bad, and so is doing the word without knowing it. Like pedals on a bike, they require the other in order to work.

Know the Word, Do the Word

Christianity is the Christian following in the footsteps of Christ: knowing the word of God and doing it. It’s not that knowing the word is bad and doing the word of God is good; rather, knowing the word without doing the word is bad, and so is doing the word without knowing it. Like pedals on a bike, they require the other in order to work.

Rich Jesus, Poor Jesus

Should Christians be rich or poor? The right answer is, Christians should be godly. This sermon examines where we tend to get our identity and how remembering God’s unchanging love for us changes how we see things.

Rich Jesus, Poor Jesus

Should Christians be rich or poor? The right answer is, Christians should be godly. This sermon examines where we tend to get our identity and how remembering God’s unchanging love for us changes how we see things.


Do you know what it feels like to have something stolen? You go to your car or home, and you find that somebody broke into it. You feel violated. Somebody took your identity, and all of a sudden, you’re getting bills for things you didn’t buy. Stealing is so prevalent in our day that much of life includes measures to protect our goods, and we don’t even realize how odd it is. What does God have to say about our penchant to steal?


Some of us worship our work, while others of us love being lazy. Keeping the Sabbath keeps us from those twin idols, and reminds us that Jesus’ has finished his redemptive work, allowing us to enter into his rest. This sermon explores 7 reasons we Sabbath and 7 ways we kill it.

Empowered by the Spirit to be Generous

Jesus says that people are prone to worship God or money. Money, perhaps along with sex, is the most pernicious, pervasive idol in our culture today. Despite whatever the Bible has to say about it, it’s a topic that’s met with the greatest resistance. This sermon looks at what God’s word has to say about issues of stewardship, and greed versus generosity.