Pastor Mark & Grace

3 Types of Homes

Song of Songs 2:16 – My beloved is mine, and I am his; he grazes among the lilies. This is a series of selected excerpts from the new book “Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs”. To purchase the book, click here, and to access the sermon series that accompanies these devos and this … Read more

Reading the Bible Together Can Change Your Life

Song of Songs 1:16a – Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful.  This is an excerpt from the new book “Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs”. To purchase the book, click here, and to access the sermon series that accompanies these devos and this book, click here.  I (Grace) had enough conviction left to … Read more

Is Sex God, Gross, or Gift? Part 3

Song of Songs 1:2b – For your love is better than wine… This is an excerpt from the new book “Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs”. To purchase the book, click here, and to access the sermon series that accompanies these devos and this book, click here.  God uniquely and intentionally created our bodies for … Read more

Is Sex God, Gross, or Gift? Part 2

Song of Songs 1:4 – Draw me after you; let us run. The king has brought me into his chambers. This is an excerpt from the new book “Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs”. To purchase the book, click here, and to access the sermon series that accompanies these devos and this book, click here.  … Read more

Is Sex God, Gross, or Gift? Part 1

Song of Songs 1:16a – Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful.  This is an excerpt from the new book “Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs”. To purchase the book, click here, and to access the sermon series that accompanies these devos and this book, click here.  Who or what sets your identity, demands … Read more

Our Standard of Beauty is Our Spouse

Song of Songs 1:15 – Behold, you are beautiful, my love; behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.  This is an excerpt from the new book “Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs”. To purchase the book, click here, and to access the sermon series that accompanies these devos and this book, click here.  The … Read more

The Bible Saved Our Marriage

Song of Songs 1:16a – Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful.  This is an excerpt from the new book “Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs”. To purchase the book, click here, and to access the sermon series that accompanies these devos and this book, click here.  God used the Bible to save our … Read more

Real Marriage Event 2022 Invite!

You’re invited to join us online for our very special Real Marriage event on February 9th at 7 pm (MST). Pastor Mark and Grace will be discussing a three-letter word to help you, and your spouse grow deeper in intimacy to let go of shame and become one flesh, looking at God’s intended design for … Read more