Mark Driscoll

Sabbath Rest is a Gift

Nehemiah 10:31 – And if the peoples of the land bring in goods or any grain on the Sabbath day to sell, we will not buy from them on the Sabbath or on a holy day. Near the very beginning of the Old Testament, God set the pattern and precedent for what godly work and … Read more

From Independence to Unity

Nehemiah 10:39 – “…We will not neglect the house of our God.” For generations, these families had professed a faith that they did not practice, and often did not possess. They gave lip-service to God but did not live a lifestyle that was godly. The Bible had been ignored, worship services had stopped, people were … Read more

True Revival Brings Real Transformation

Nehemiah 10:30 – We will not give our daughters to the peoples of the land or take their daughters for our sons. The people were devoting their spiritual life, family, schedule, budget, and sexuality fully to God without reservation. When a true revival movement of God the Holy Spirit occurs, every aspect of life is … Read more

Mary of Bethany: Deepest Devotion! | REAL Women of the Bible Part 4

There was a man. The most famous man around. He walked with others, teaching them, and healing them. He wasn’t just a good man, but God become a man. He had a large following, but He had a special follower. A woman, a devoted woman. Where He went, she went. When He cried, she cried. When He spoke, she listened intently. She gave her whole life to Him, to following Him, to spending time with Him. She anointed Him with the fragrance He took to the cross. Other people called her distracted, they said she was neglecting her own life. But she knew what they didn’t, He was all there was to life. He was life! This is the story of Mary of Bethany.

Dynamic Revival Throughout History

Nehemiah 9:33 – Yet you have been righteous in all that has come upon us, for you have dealt faithfully and we have acted wickedly. In the book of Nehemiah, we learn that there was what we could call “dead religion” for 141 years, when the people of God were not meeting together to worship … Read more

True Repentance vs. Counterfeit Repentance

Nehemiah 9:2 – And the Israelites separated themselves from all foreigners and stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers. In religion, people judge one another. In revival, people judge themselves. True repentance in our life is different from four kinds of counterfeit repentance: Mere Confession – Had God’s people only confessed … Read more

Nehemiah #10 – How Do You Make A Family Mission Statement?

In Nehemiah 10, Pastor Mark preaches on the church family mission statement many of the men signed in that day, which was a covenant to lead their families in the ways of God as their church and city grew. From this mission statement, we can glean practical ways to structure and lead our own families and churches.