Mark Driscoll

Nehemiah #2 – How can you find God’s will with prayer and planning?

In Nehemiah 2, Nehemiah audaciously approaches the king with his plan, after much planning and prayer, recognizing that he ultimately answers to the King of Kings. Pastor Mark points out several key facts from this chapter, including the fact that vision requires provision, your confidence comes from your calling, and that, to lead others, you must follow the Lord.

SON: Worship Your Father

In this sermon from Act Like a Man: Real Men 101, Pastor Mark shows that everyone everywhere is always worshipping something and that, as children of God, men (and women) are called to worship their Heavenly Father by the Spirit through the Son.

Grace Talks About a Part of Her Story, Alongside the Defiling of Dinah From Genesis 34

Grace bravely shares a part of her story alongside the defilement of Dinah in Genesis 34. She is vulnerable about past struggles with shame, brokenness, and identity issues from her own experience with abuse in her teen years. She tells about God’s redemption in this part of her story as she broke through the enemy’s lies. God has used her honesty and healing process to help equip other women of sexual assault with the resources needed to start the healing journey.

Nehemiah: The Man and His Mission Part 1

Nehemiah 1:7 – “…We have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, and the rules that you commanded your servant Moses…” The book of Nehemiah reports one of the finest leadership initiatives in all of history, with the restoration of the city of Jerusalem. Nehemiah is a vital case … Read more