Mark Driscoll

Man: Own Your Identity

In this kickoff to the Act Like a Man: Real Men 101 series, Pastor Mark tells the difference between sex, gender, and sexuality according to the Word and the world and that God made men to act like men, knowing and owning their identity in Christ.

Joseph’s Forgiveness and Anointing Part 1

Genesis 50:2 – And Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father. So the physicians embalmed Israel. Joseph is a good man, but he’s not Jesus. At times, Joseph suffered because of his own arrogance. Often, however, Joseph suffered because of evil and injustice committed against him. His own brothers sold him into … Read more

Favoritism in Genesis

Genesis 37:4 – But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peacefully to him. The incredible book of Genesis takes its name from its opening words, “In the beginning…” What we learn from the first pages of Genesis, before sin enters … Read more

Happy 6th Birthday Trinity Church!

In this sermon, Pastor Mark celebrates Trinity Church’s 6th birthday, recounting how God has been faithful to the church family for the past 6 years, and to his family for many years before that.

2000 Years of History Concludes

Genesis 35:29 – And Isaac breathed his last, and he died and was gathered to his people, old and full of days. And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him. By the beginning of Genesis 36, a number of people’s stories have been wrapped up. Rebekah and Isaac have died. Their son Jacob, who was … Read more

Jacob Returns Home to Bury His Father

Genesis 35:29 – And Isaac breathed his last, and he died and was gathered to his people, old and full of days. And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him. As they were heading to Bethlehem, Jacob’s beloved wife Rachel died giving birth to Jacob’s youngest son, Benjamin, who became the last of the 12 … Read more

Jacob Truly Learns to Worship

Genesis 35:10 – And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.” So he called his name Israel. Jacob had fled from his home as an unmarried man roughly 40 years of age. Now, over 20 years later with two wives, … Read more

Genesis #42 – How Can You Find Freedom by Forgiving?

In this, the closing two scenes of the life of Joseph we witness one of the most God-glorifying, heartwarming, and example setting occasions of forgiving in all of the Bible. Joseph had forgiven his evil brothers many years before being reunited with them. Living by the power of the Holy Spirit, he was emotionally healed up and lived a godly and fruitful life as a blessing to others. After their father died, the brothers feared that Joseph was secretly unforgiving of them and plotting vengeance to destroy them. Upon seeing that they had not accepted full forgiveness from he and God, Joseph wept as he loved them and wanted good for them. This is the heart of forgiveness that we examine in great detail in this final sermon in the Joseph series.

Genesis #41 – What is the Key to Being Blessed by God?

After a long and complicated life Jacob (also called Israel), has reached the end of his days on earth. His sons are summoned to his death bed to receive a final blessing from their father. Curiously, he does not speak the same thing to each son. Instead, he is honest about their character, good and bad, and reveals that those who have upward loyalty to authority and ultimately God’s authority are more blessed because blessing flows downward from those in authority to the people under their authority. This is a crucial spiritual principle that is nearly altogether ignored in our culture of rebellion, folly, and entitlement. Lastly, the stage is now set for Jesus Christ to enter history as the King of Kings through this family.