
Key #6 Moving From Roommates To Soul Mates

In our culture today, there are three marriage killers: casual dating, cohabitation, and contractual thinking. In this sermon, those errors are corrected with the biblical concept of covenant. What does it mean to have a covenant relationship with God? What does it mean to have a covenantal relationship with other people, especially a spouse? This sermon reveals that our entire culture has a flawed and faulty view of marriage and needs a complete overhaul for marriages to flourish.

Key #5 Putting More Fun In Your Friendship

The God of the Bible (Father, Son, Spirit) is a community of friends who made us to have a friendship with them and one another. How can we pick a good friend? How can we be a good friend? And, how can we be friends with our spouse. All of these issues and more are covered in this week’s sermon.

Key #3 Overcoming Past Hurts

Forgiveness is crucial, essential, and irreplaceable to the entirety of the Christian faith. Unless we are forgiven by God through Jesus Christ, we have no joyful relationship with God in this life or the eternal life to come. Unless we are forgiven by others and forgive those with whom we journey in this life, we have no joyful relationships with others. It is not a stretch to say that without forgiveness, Christianity simply does not, cannot, and will not exist. This is why the ancient Apostles’ Creed teaches us to confess, “I believe in the forgiveness of sins.” This week we look at what forgiveness is and is not, as well as the incredibly vital reasons why we need to learn to give forgiveness freely.

Key #2 Building Intimacy

There is a powerful lie in our culture about marriage – that Christians and non-Christians have the same rates of marital happiness, adultery, and divorce. This powerful lie keeps non-Christians from coming to church to get help for their family. And, this powerful lie also keeps Christians discouraged and feeling like hypocrites. But, this lie is untrue and the most comprehensive sociological research proves that church attending, Bible reading, prayer uttering Christians have the best marriages of any group of people. In this sermon, Pastor Mark blows up the cultural lie and replaces it with biblical truth as we learn the 3 things you can do RIGHT NOW to improve your marriage and family.

Churches Are for Marriage, Not Just Weddings | Hebrews 10:24–25

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another…

Key #1 Becoming Relationally Healthy

This week we examine the woman at the well as a case study in relationships. Through her example, we learn that until we have a healthy relationship with Jesus Christ, we are relationally unhealthy. Therefore, our relationship with Jesus Christ through which we experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to heal our hurts and bring us health has to be our first relationship priority. Do you have a healthy growing relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit to nurture and heal your soul at the deepest levels of your being?

Is there such a thing as “the one”?

This week both Joseph in Malaysia and Donna in Canada wrote in asking about dating and marriage: Will God choose ‘the one’ we are supposed to marry or date? Is there such a thing as ‘the one’? The myth that everyone has a “soul mate” finds its non-biblical origin with the philosopher Plato. This destructive … Read more

Under Authority Like Christ

Some of the most hotly debated issues of today are about issues of gender and authority. The three positions on gender roles are egalitarian feminism, hierarchical chauvinism, and complementarian chivalry.

Divorce and Remarriage

The church at Corinth was confused over issues pertaining to divorce and remarriage and asked Paul a number of questions. Due to the prevalence of divorce in our culture this sermon is based upon Paul’s answers to the Corinthians as well as answering many of the questions asked about divorce.

Good Sex, Bad Sex

The Corinthian Church was filled with people who were in all sorts of sexual sin. Paul spoke frankly about the difference between good sex and bad sex while also refuting their silly arguments denying that the lordship of Jesus extended over their pants…