
Why Most Men View Jesus Wrongly

There are two main ways to view Jesus – as lion or lamb – and, as men, you need to be both a lion for your family and a lamb with your family. When Jesus returns, He will come back with an everlasting, perfect dominion that will never end.

What has Jesus’ resurrection accomplished for Christians?

Jesus’ resurrection reveals him as our messiah king. In the Davidic covenant,1 God the Father promised that his Son, Jesus Christ, would be raised up from David’s lineage to rule over an everlasting kingdom. Paul reveals that this was fulfilled at the resurrection of Jesus: “Concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to … Read more

What is the historical evidence for Jesus’ resurrection?

Because Jesus’ death is a historical fact, the corroborating evidence of non-Christian sources in addition to the Bible helps to confirm the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The following testimony of Romans, Greeks, and Jews is helpful because these men are simply telling the facts without any religious devotion to them. Josephus (AD 37–100) Josephus was a … Read more

What is the circumstantial evidence for Jesus’ resurrection?

Effects have causes. Jesus’ resurrection is no exception, as is evident by eight effects caused by it. Together, they are compelling circumstantial evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. Further, for those wanting to deny Jesus’ resurrection, the burden of proof remains on them to account for these multiple effects with a reasonable cause. Craig explains, “Anyone who … Read more