
Ruth #2 – Safe People

At the Trinity Church, Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches from the book of Ruth, this week is entitled, “Safe People” Ruth 2:1-13

Under Authority Like Christ

Some of the most hotly debated issues of today are about issues of gender and authority. The three positions on gender roles are egalitarian feminism, hierarchical chauvinism, and complementarian chivalry.

Power From Jesus

Paul’s sadness is revealed as his people had little regard for his teaching and little respect for his authority. Like most problems, the root of all the trouble in Corinth was simply arrogant pride.

Spiritual Gifts Part 1

Jesus said that one day Christians would do even greater ministry than He did by the empowerment and gifting of the Holy Spirit. This gifting, however, is often misunderstood. Paul provides clear teaching on the purpose, nature, and goal of “spiritual gifts”.

Pastor Jesus

Once Paul founded the church at Corinth he left to pursue other ministry opportunities in Ephesus. Although the church was likely small, perhaps only fifty people, it quickly turned into a crisis as supposed Christians sprinted into heresy and moral sin. Some church members were so distressed that they visited Paul to notify him of the mess and seek his counsel.

Empowered by the Spirit to Face Wolves

Christians are like sheep, pastors like shepherds, and the church like a pen of protection. What do you do when wolves come in packs, devour flocks, and attack shepherds? Trust that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, will empower us by his Spirit to face them, as he did for Stephen.

Jesus’ Tongue, Your Tongue

Once a fire gets going, it’s hard to stop. James says our tongue is a spark that can unleash hell. Though you may not intend to, you can boil your Christian brother or sister alive with your words.

Jesus’ Tongue, Your Tongue

Once a fire gets going, it’s hard to stop. James says our tongue is a spark that can unleash hell. Though you may not intend to, you can boil your Christian brother or sister alive with your words.