Mark Driscoll

How did Jesus pick friends?

John 12:13 – Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. Click here to download a free digital copy of April’s gift to you, from which this is an excerpt, “Answers to the Top 85 Questions about Jesus” or donate to RealFaith for a physical copy. For … Read more

What was Jesus like as a child?

Luke 2:40 – And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him. Click here to download a free digital copy of April’s gift to you, from which this is an excerpt, “Answers to the Top 85 Questions about Jesus” or donate to RealFaith for a physical … Read more

Did Jesus have a sense of humor? 

Matthew 19:24 – “…Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” Click here to download a free digital copy of April’s gift to you, from which this is an excerpt, “Answers to the Top 85 … Read more

What did Jesus look like?

Click here to download a free digital copy of April’s gift to you, from which this is an excerpt, “Answers to the Top 85 Questions about Jesus” or donate to RealFaith for a physical copy. For those of you who pray and give, we are fully supported by ministry partners like you.  Isaiah 53:2b – … Read more

Does God perform miracles today?

Do miracles still happen today? Does God still raise the dead and multiply food? Watch as Pastor Mark teaches from 1 Kings 17:8-24 and shows how God supernaturally leads Elijah to a widow’s house where God’s power through Elijah helps save her and her son from multiple seemingly hopeless situations. The even better news is this same power that empowered Elijah is available to us today as our Father is still a God of miracles.


1 Kings 17:2-3 – And the word of the Lord came to him: “Depart from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan…” For the prophets, the Word of God was the highest authority and allegiance. This explains why Elijah immediately obeyed the word of the Lord, awaiting … Read more

29 Signs of the Jezebel Spirit

Have you ever known a woman (or man) who hated authority and loved control? With them, it may go beyond nature and tendencies and could be the demonic spirit of Jezebel empowering this person. In this sermon, Pastor Mark shows 29 clear signs that you’re dealing with someone with the spirit of Jezebel.

How Do I Stay Sexually Attracted to my Spouse?

Pastor Mark & Grace answer the question, “How do I stay sexually attracted to my spouse?” in this Real Romance Q&A session. Are you not attracted to your spouse anymore? Do you not find marriage sexy anymore? Hopefully this can be of some help to you and your spouse. To get more unfiltered, uncensored, and … Read more

Dating for 10 years?!

In this Q&A from the Real Romance series, Pastor Mark and his wife, Grace, answer audience-submitted questions about marriage, sex, love, and relationships. To get more unfiltered, uncensored, and unapologetic Bible teaching from Pastor Mark Driscoll, visit or text “RealFaith” to 99383.

Tolerance Leads to Destruction

Revelation 2:20 – But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I spent most of my life in the urban big city preaching the gospel to a bunch of people who … Read more

Christ Crucified: Good Friday Notes

Today Christians around the earth celebrate “Good Friday”  1.    Crucifixion Historically  Crucifixion = state sponsored terror  ·         Impaling 800 BC Persians?  ·         Alexander from impaling to crucifixion – terror & dread  ·         Romans perfected (soldiers had their own twisted torment)  ·         = Stipe (permanent post) & patibulum (crossbar).  ·         Up to 9 days ·         Public like beheadings (via de la rosa?)  ·         Height – eye level. A). Wild … Read more