Emotional Health

1st Peter #9 – How to Survive the Coming Crisis

In this final message of the series from 1 Peter 5, Pastor Mark shares the importance of selecting your shepherd and finding your flock (choosing a pastor and church family), looking out for the lion (resisting the devil) and gives the ultimate reminder that the chief Shepherd is for Christians and coming back for us.

“I had an abortion”

These testimonies are from real women with real life experiences who are sharing their stories to hopefully help encourage you and help you relate to their experiences. When I was younger, my family and I went to church. I would go to Sunday school, but I never understood the reason why Jesus died for me. … Read more

Mindful Truths for Mindless Times

1 Peter 1:13 – Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  If you have ever tried to have a meaningful conversation with a drunk person you know that it is not just difficult, but … Read more

“I abused alcohol to ease the pain and I lived in fear”

These testimonies are from real women with real life experiences who are sharing their stories to hopefully help encourage you and help you relate to their experiences. I was born to first generation American parents, each coming from Italian immigrant families. Their parents, both sets of my grandparents, spoke Italian and very little English. Their … Read more