
The Father Wound

Malachi 4:5-6 – “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” Matthew 27:46 – And about the ninth … Read more

Fathers in the Faith

This talk from Real Men talks about fatherhood – spiritual and physical – and how God ultimately is our picture of fatherhood.

Blessed Men

This talk from Real Men from Romans 3 tells that one key to blessing is to plant and root yourself in Christ and among men who are on the same track.

What are some practical ways you can disciple your kids when you’re a first generation Christian?

This week, Grace joins Pastor Mark to answer a question from a couple who are first generation Christians and want to disciple their kids personally, not just letting the church or others teach them everything they need to know about Jesus. How do you do that when you didn’t receive the same instruction as a … Read more

How do you navigate parenting an adult child?

There are numerous resources on parenting kids of all ages before they leave the house but not as many about parenting children once they’ve left home. This video answers the question of how to parent an adult child once they’ve left home and even gotten married.

Have a question you’d like answered in a potential future Ask Pastor Mark video? Send an email to [email protected].

Will Babies Be in Heaven? (Part 6): Jesus Became a Child and Loves Children – Born and Unborn

My wife Grace has miscarried and whenever I think about it, I tear up as it feels like someone is missing and our Fab Five should be the Stellar Six. I pastor men and women who ask me, with tears streaming down their face and trembling in their voice, what happened to their deceased child. Some have suffered miscarriages, others had abortions, some experienced stillbirths, and others had a baby die in infancy. One woman I know has endured some 20 miscarriages. For me, this issue is not merely theoretical but deeply personal, pastoral, and emotional.