
Real Mom

Godly women, wife, mother, friend series Discipline is painful and peaceful First of all, I am not writing on the topic of being a Godly mother because I am the best example of one, rather it is an ongoing process of redemption that God takes us through over the course of our life.  If at … Read more

“I had an abortion”

These testimonies are from real women with real life experiences who are sharing their stories to hopefully help encourage you and help you relate to their experiences. When I was younger, my family and I went to church. I would go to Sunday school, but I never understood the reason why Jesus died for me. … Read more

“…I did have a lot of fun when I was out with my friends, I felt the opposite when I was home by myself”

These testimonies are from real women with real life experiences who are sharing their stories to hopefully help encourage you and help you relate to their experiences. I grew up going to church every Sunday without fail. Unfortunately, God and the Gospel did not permeate the home where I grew up. I came to believe … Read more

Links in a Chain

In this vintage talk from Pastor Mark, he gives practical advice from a father’s heart on how to be a strong link or the first strong link in the chain of faith of your legacy and family.

As a pastor and ministry couple, how do you balance caring for your home and church family in times like this?

As the ministry of The Trinity Church increases and moves temporarily online, Pastor Mark, Grace, and family will be releasing a special series of “Ask Pastor Mark” videos each week to help answer pertinent questions during this time! This question is about how, as a pastor and ministry couple, you can balance caring for your home and church family in times like this.

How do you do a devotional time as a family?

As the ministry of The Trinity Church increases and moves temporarily online, Pastor Mark, Grace, and family will be releasing a special series of “Ask Pastor Mark” videos each week to help answer pertinent questions during this time! This question is about how to do devotional time as a family.

Win Your War #6 – Heal from Wounds In the Past and Fears for the Future

Do you need to heal from wounds in your past before you can look forward to the future with hope and not fear? In this practical sermon from the Win Your War series, Pastor Mark describes how the way you relate to your earthly father can affect the way you see your heavenly father and how to move forward into your future with freedom, not fear.

Win Your War #5 – Finding Freedom through Full Forgiveness

The ability to forgive and know that you’re forgiven is life-changing. Forgiveness opens the door for repentance and reconciliation and shifts your focus from the one who hurt you to the One who can heal you. In this sermon, Pastor Mark tells what forgiveness is, why you should forgive, and what happens if you do or don’t forgive.

Proverbs #7 – How do you get your life organized?

You’d never live in a house that didn’t have an architect but many people live in an un-architected life. In this sermon based in the book of Proverbs, Pastor Mark teaches on the importance of recognizing seasons and how to plan and organize a life you and your family can enjoy.