Life Planning

How can you better steward your time and work in 2023?

Jesus devoted roughly 25 percent of his words in the Gospels to the resources God has entrusted to our stewardship. This includes some 28 passages in the Gospels. In the Old and New Testaments combined, there are over 800 verses on the subject, addressing topics ranging from planning and budgeting, to saving and investing, to … Read more

Do I live more like an owner or a manager of my life?

Generally speaking, there are two ways to see our life and possessions. One is through the perspective of ownership, whereby I and my life and possessions belong to me alone. The other is through the perspective of stewardship, whereby I and my life and possessions belong to God and are to be invested for His … Read more

Nehemiah #3 – How can we make the boring parts of life meaningful?

In Nehemiah 3, Pastor Mark shows that ordinary days are crucial to allow for extraordinary days. In what seems to just be a long list of people, he also preaches on principles for leaders and all people and finishes with the good news that Jesus has another list that those who have relationship with Him will be on forever.

SAGE: Learn Your Lessons

In this sermon from Act Like a Man: Real Men 101, Pastor Mark shares that true wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit matures men in wisdom to be like Jesus Christ.

Nehemiah #2 – How can you find God’s will with prayer and planning?

In Nehemiah 2, Nehemiah audaciously approaches the king with his plan, after much planning and prayer, recognizing that he ultimately answers to the King of Kings. Pastor Mark points out several key facts from this chapter, including the fact that vision requires provision, your confidence comes from your calling, and that, to lead others, you must follow the Lord.