Mark Driscoll

The Ahab and Jezebel Spirits Part 1

1 Kings 19:1 – Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword.  When King Ahab married Jezebel, she was young, beautiful, sensual, and pure evil. Their marriage united the kingdoms of Israel and Tyre and welcomed the demonic into Israel. Jezebel’s father was the … Read more

Passive Men and Controlling Women: The Ahab and Jezebel Spirits Today

Have you noticed that our culture is filled with passive men and controlling women? What you may not know is that these demonic movements are empowered by the Jezebel and Ahab spirits, who have been at work since the days of Elijah. In this sermon, Pastor Mark tells that the story of Elijah gives context for real men, especially those who may struggle with the Ahab spirit and leave themselves vulnerable to the Jezebel spirit.

Syncretism and Apostasy

1 Kings 18:21 – And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” One Bible dictionary says, “The term syncretism is used by anthropologists and historians to refer to the blending of religious beliefs…As the two groups … Read more

Elijah, A True Prophet

1 Kings 18:22 – Then Elijah said to the people, “I, even I only, am left a prophet of the Lord, but Baal’s prophets are 450 men…” Elijah is called a prophet repeatedly (1). Elijah is clearly a true prophet empowered by the Holy Spirit, and he is in spiritual battle against the unholy spirits working through the … Read more

Spiritual Disciplines for Regular Guys: Feasting and Fasting

Most men probably don’t have a problem feasting. From Super Bowl parties to Thanksgiving dinners, gluttony is one of the most celebrated sins of our day. On the other hand, even too much of a good thing can become a god thing. Learn from Pastor Mark how to feast (and fast) in a healthy way, like Jesus did.

Can I Watch Porn with my Wife?

In this Real Romance Q&A, Pastor Mark and Grace answer your questions on sex, marriage, and family. This question comes from a man wanting to know is it okay to watch porn in his marriage and how to become more intimate with his wife.

Real Romance #8 – 4 Ways Single People Can Prepare for Marriage

More than ever before, boys who should be men are living at home longer or moving back home to their mom’s basement. What hope is there for a nice, young single gal who wants to marry a godly man? What wisdom is there for a young man who wants to grow up, get a job, and get off his parents’ payroll? Pastor Mark finishes the Real Romance series with some hope for unicorns like these and how godly single people can prepare for marriage. Visit for a mountain of free Bible-based resources on marriage and to download a free copy of our newest book, Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs.

Journaling & Service | Pastor Mark Driscoll

If you think journaling is just for girls, think again. As a man, it is important to write down plans and prayers so you can process them with God. And as you reflect more on your life, you’ll also find a desire to serve others more like Jesus did.

Real Romance #7 – Get a New Marriage with the Same Spouse

In this sermon, Pastor Mark preaches from Song of Songs 7:11-8:7 and “Real Romance” Chapter 8 on the importance of setting up natural rhythms of your family for things like Sabbath, vacations, and holidays. Ultimately, no matter how many arguments you’ve had or how many times the Enemy has tried to push you apart, you can have a new marriage with the same spouse.