Mark Driscoll


Titus 2:2 – Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.  I used to be a young guy. Obviously, I’m not anymore, so if you’re an old guy like me, here’s an exhortation for you.   The Bible speaks very clearly to the responsibilities of men, especially … Read more

A Strong Word to Young Men

Luke 11:21 – When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe… I’ve often said that the most important thing in your life is God’s blessing. If you’ve ever felt like a ship without a rudder trying to find God’s blessing but not sure how, maybe I can offer some … Read more

How to Heal a Broken Relationship

In this sermon, Pastor Mark preaches from Song of Songs 6:2-10 and “Real Romance” Chapter 6, highlighting the importance of forgiveness and repentance in any relationship, but especially in marriage.

Spiritual Disciplines for Regular Guys: Prayer & Activism

Pastor Mark preaches on the spiritual disciplines of prayer and activism and how the two go together. Like in bow hunting, prayer is the “pulling back” and activism is the “firing forward” and, as with all spiritual disciplines, we see both modeled in Jesus’ life.