Real Men

How should men pray?

For lots of men, prayer is awkward and uncomfortable… but it doesn’t have to be. It’s simply a son talking to his Father with the purpose of building a relationship. Join us as we discuss prayer from a son/father perspective. 🙏🏻

How Do You Slay Sin?

The greatest threat to you is YOU. If you want to be a godly man, you’re going to need to learn how to fight. So, how do we win the fight against sin? Tune in to find out. ⚔️

29 Signs of the Jezebel Spirit

Have you ever known a woman (or man) who hated authority and loved control? With them, it may go beyond nature and tendencies and could be the demonic spirit of Jezebel empowering this person. In this sermon, Pastor Mark shows 29 clear signs that you’re dealing with someone with the spirit of Jezebel.

Passive Men and Controlling Women: The Ahab and Jezebel Spirits Today

Have you noticed that our culture is filled with passive men and controlling women? What you may not know is that these demonic movements are empowered by the Jezebel and Ahab spirits, who have been at work since the days of Elijah. In this sermon, Pastor Mark tells that the story of Elijah gives context for real men, especially those who may struggle with the Ahab spirit and leave themselves vulnerable to the Jezebel spirit.