
Called to Lead

As women, God is constantly asking us to lead different people in different ways.  If you’re like me, you might struggle at times with accepting the mission.  I’ve found that women who feel confident to lead are often not ready or teachable. On the other hand, those who don’t “feel” ready become humble leaders who … Read more

Rules vs Relationship

In this Real Men talk from Romans 2, Pastor Mark talks about leading by relationship vs. rules in your home, family, and workplace.

How Theologians Hijacked Romans

How Theologians Hijacked Romans Romans is an incredible book but has sadly been hijacked by thought leaders. Theologians seem to think that the point of the book is to argue over theology, rather than reach anybody. The problem is that this great book of the Bible has become the property of theologians and nerds who … Read more

Leadership as a Godly woman: A conversation with Susan Thomas

In this video, Grace talks with Susan Thomas about leadership, especially what that means to be a Godly, humble leader as a woman. Susan is a gifted teacher and leader, and she enthusiastically exercises these strengths at Keystone. A licensed counselor specializing in women and marriage, Susan holds a masters degree in counseling, a 20-year … Read more

1st Peter #9 – How to Survive the Coming Crisis

In this final message of the series from 1 Peter 5, Pastor Mark shares the importance of selecting your shepherd and finding your flock (choosing a pastor and church family), looking out for the lion (resisting the devil) and gives the ultimate reminder that the chief Shepherd is for Christians and coming back for us.

8 Ways to Win at Marriage

1 Peter 3:7 – Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. If you are both under God’s authority, you can have unity between you and … Read more