Mark Driscoll

Our Hope is in Jesus

We saw the beginning of the birth pains recently in Israel. In the Last Hour of the Last Days, the spirit of Hamas empowers Satanic nations to align together for terror and war. Then the Lord will go out and fight. That’s where history is going. The Lord Jesus Christ is returning, and He is … Read more

The Final War is Coming

Almost everyone has an imbalanced view of Jesus’ emotional life. Practically, we tend to see Him as either lion or lamb and not both. Those of us with more lamb personalities will focus on the parts of the Bible where Jesus was meek, kind, patient, loving, and appears more passive if not even timid. Those … Read more

Are We Living in the End Times?

As the war in Israel unfolds, and rumors of other terrorist groups like Hezbollah funded by the terrorist nation of Iran begin to fire into Israel, the United States is deploying battleships to the region with troops on the ready. As nations like China, Turkey, and Russia are carefully watching the situation unfold wondering if … Read more

The Hamas Spirit vs. the Holy Spirit

Because of Abraham’s sin, we have a constant war between the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac. We saw that with the recent invasion and terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel. The corresponding global rise in antisemitism is demonic. The terrorist attack took place on a Saturday morning, which is the Jewish Sabbath. … Read more

Why Two Wives Are Always a Bad Idea

If you’ve ever seen a broken family, then you know how intense and emotional conflict becomes when there are two warring and irreconcilable factions. Now imagine a married man who also has a girlfriend and children with her. Imagine that these women and children despise one another, fight often, and wish the other woman and her … Read more

Make Vacations Great Again

Song of Songs 7:11 (NIV) – Come, my beloved, let us go to the countryside let us spend the night in the villages. Planning a good vacation takes a lot of praying and preparing. The earlier you start planning, the better the odds it will be a blessing and not a curse. As a couple, … Read more

Why You Need to be a Lover and a Friend

Song of Songs 5:16 (NLT) – …my lover, my friend. Friendship between a husband and wife is crucial to a healthy and successful marriage. Too many religious people settle for functional marriages that lack fun. You may love your spouse, but do you LIKE them? Do you enjoy being around them and learning about them? … Read more

Spirit-Filled Men Pray

How do you isolate and defeat an enemy? You start by cutting off their communication. Join us as we dive into how men communicate with God and arm up for the battle.

Flirting Instead of Fighting

Song of Songs 2:10,15 – My beloved speaks and says to me: “Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away…Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards…” In Song of Songs 2, the woman is making deposits into her relationship by the words she speaks to her beloved. Like a … Read more

Friendship or Love?

Song of Songs 1:4 – How right they are to adore you! As we settle into our marriage and time passes, it’s good to remind ourselves of how and why we fell in love. What was this like for you? For your beloved? As life gets busy with kids, work, and daily activities, it becomes … Read more